Description=This report shows the most and least requested documents over time and by directory. Learn about what elements in your site attract the most attention from users. This report requires "Title lookups" to be completed before analysis.
[Request detail report.Overview.Weekly requests per visit trends]
Description=Shows the variation in the average number of requests made by users to your site over the weeks in the analysis period. Use this information to monitor how changes in your site affect user visit behavior.
[Request detail report.Top requests.Weekly top 5 request trends]
Description=Shows the top 5 requested files over the weeks in the analysis period. Monitor the aggregate trends for these files as well as individual file trends over time.
[Request detail report.Requests by directory.Top 5 directories]
Description=Shows the top 5 directories based on number of requests to files within those directories over the weeks in the analysis period. Monitor the aggregate trends for these directories as well as individual directory trends over time.
[Request detail report.Requests by directory.Top 10 requests by directory]
Description=Lists all top level directories by number of requests to files within that directory, then similarly lists the second and third directory levels branching from each top level directory. The top 10 files, based on number of requests, are displayed for each directory level.